We walk on many paths in this life
and we encounter many people and situations which present opportunities
for growth. The stories and music at Gentle Place
Publishing offer more occasions for such growth. Whether you call
path you are on a path of discovery, a path to recovery, a
pathway to faith, a mystical path, a path to God, the beauty way
or simply the path of life, you should enjoy the stories and the
music you find here.
Explore our website, read the testimonials, listen to
the stories, consider taking something home with you and come
back again soon. You are welcome here.
The stories you will find here have entertained,
touched hearts, and changed lives. But what ages and
cultural groups are these stories for? They are for women and men
of good will in every culture and climate on the planet. The
content is suitable for all ages, though young children may require
assistance in order to understand some of the

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